From waste to cement works
Industry sectors benefitting from our air technology
To cover applications and solve problems for the most diverse customers, we stand out by offering a broad range of air technology equipment, and by the comprehensive industry expertise we have.
We know the challenges you face, and we will find a solution to them. Our industry expertise will ensure the success of your project.
To have a sound basis for successful problem solution, you first need to identify and understand a problem. Different industries, locations and company sizes each entail different types of problems and terms of reference which, in turn, lead to different approaches towards solving these challenges. Our knowledge of industry-specific processes, standards and regulations enables us to get directly to the point. Our solutions will always meet and often be ahead of the current state-of-the-art.
Recycling – a cycle that is the only way forward
SThe main focus of our air technology equipment is on the recycling industry. Modern technologies and efficient reuse provide the groundwork for developing a successful recycling economy which is able to minimize the consumption of natural resources and reduce waste to what is absolutely necessary.
Throughout the EU, the aim is to recycle 65% of all municipal solid waste by 2025, and even 70% by 2030. In addition, running a recycling economy is not only good for the environment but also constitutes an important economic factor, and helps to create jobs.
In all these aspects, Schulz & Berger provide support to the companies involved on the road towards sustainable development in Europe and beyond.
- Plastics processing
- Lightweight packaging (LVP)
- Household waste & commercial waste
- Refuse-derived fuels
- Composting
- Waste wood processing
- Scrap metal processing
- Slag processing
Manufacturing & production – effective process air filtering
Proper and reliable air filtering is of paramount importance to production companies for the most diverse reasons. It is absolutely essential to avoid any occupational health problem, interference with production processes, or violation of emission limit values. Schulz & Berger are your competent interlocutors for plant layout and implementation in this regard. Our filter technology contributes to the health and safety of employees, to product quality, and it also helps to ensure that environmental requirements will be met as defined, e.g., by the German clean-air regulation ("TA Luft").
Foodstuffs – effective air technology equipment to suit your taste
To guarantee the safety and quality of its products, the food industry must meet specific requirements as to air quality. This requires, e.g., a high filter capacity for removing suspended matter and particles. Our process air experts will develop tailor-made solutions which also meet the stringent hygienic specifications applying in these specific use cases. This enables companies active in the food industry to make certain that their production facilities will always conform to the highest requirements in terms of air quality.